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Multi-Account Suppliers


The Multi-Account Suppliers bookkeeping data check feature identifies supplier contacts in Xero which have transactions that have been coded to more than one account code.

Transactions checked include:

  • Supplier Bill Line Items (checked against the previously used purchases accounts for the supplier)
  • Money Out (checked against previously used purchases accounts for the supplier)

Of course, some contacts will have transactions that have been legitimately coded to an account code other than account codes previously used for the contact. The purpose of the check is to verify that any differences are in fact correct.

The Multi-Account Suppliers data check feature is different to that of the Unexpected Account Used data check. The Multi-Account Suppliers data check compares the account used within transactions against other transactions of a particular contact, whereas the Unexpected Account Used data check compares each transaction’s account code against the default account code set up for the contact (if available).

Date range being checked

Individual issues show up when they are dated within the period selector drop down menu in the sidebar. By default, for further comparison, the system also looks at account codes used by that contact in the 3 months prior to the period selected. The number of months to go back in order to compare against can be changed on the settings page.

The ability to compare current period transactions against past account codes used is important as it may otherwise be the case that contacts are not flagged as an issue if, during the current period, all transactions for that contact are allocated to the same inappropriate account code.


Details provided for each transaction include:

  • Contact name
  • Type (e.g. bill or money out)
  • Date of transaction
  • Transaction reference
  • Value of transaction
  • Account used
  • Details/description

Changing the transaction’s account

If you decide that the account currently given to the transaction in Xero is inappropriate, you can quickly and easily change it using the following method:

  1. Click on the “View/Edit” button and edit the bill/bank payment within Xero.

View transaction in Xero

For each multi-account supplier transaction found, you are able to click the View/Edit button after which you will be taken directly to the applicable transaction within your Xero account. This will allow you, for example, to investigate the item further.

Mark as “OK”

If you decide that a particular transaction already has the correct account code used, then you can click the ‘Mark as “OK”‘ button to hide the item and prevent that transaction from appearing in the list again.

You can also click the ‘Mark all items as “OK”‘ button if you are satisfied that all transactions in the date range being checked are appropriate for a particular supplier contact.

Show items marked as “OK”

You can quickly include all transactions that have previously been marked as “OK”, by enabling the ‘Show items marked as “OK”‘ toggle.

This allows you to recheck and edit any accounts that have previously been marked as OK in error.

You will then also have the ability to click the ‘Mark as “Not OK”‘ button to add transactions back to the issue list.

Bulk Process Options

The following bulk actions can be taken by using the check boxes and Bulk Process Options drop down menu:

  • Multiple contacts can be marked as “OK” in bulk.